Saturday, November 14, 2009

Changes and Trials

This past week has probably been the worst week of my life. I dont know what God has planned for the rest of my life but I hope I never have to go through this again. I was asked to resign from my position as youth pastor of Bible Baptist Church. My heart is broken. I dont want to leave my life, my students, and everyone I love. Because of disagreements between me and the pastor, he has chosen that we can no longer effectively do ministry together. I have done nothing biblically or morally wrong. Nobody consulted me when they decided to ruin my life and all vote to make me resign. So we will be leaving St. Charles on Nov. 22. As of today, we are not sure where we are going to live. I just bought a brand new car, Jaxen is 8 weeks old, and we live in the church parsonage so we have to find a new place to live. I am so ready to put all this behind me. I am ready for our next phase of life. Just a new chapter in our book. This chapter is called Life sucks. I hate to leave my teens and I hate to see them hurting as we leave. This is my life. But God has better and bigger plans for me and my family. Genesis 50:20 says "But as for you, you thought evil against me, but God meant it unto good. Please pray for me and my family as we make this difficult transition.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Jaxen Kayne

So here are some pics of Jaxen. Born Sept. 17 at 6 pds 11 oz and 20 inches long. He is already 2 weeks old today! Time has flown! He has lost his umbilical cord, he is already using a pacifier, and he is getting bigger every day. I can't wait to see him every day after work. Family has been here for the past 2 weeks so we finally have the next few days for just the 3 of us. I do feel bad though... Toby and Molly have not had much attention lately. Hopefully they can come in tonight and play. Cant wait to see Jaxen play with them some day. But for now they just enjoy licking him in the face lol.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009



I'm feeling...

But most of all I am impatient. I cant wait to see Jaxen. To hold him in my arms. I have loved him since the moment I found out Melissa was pregnant. I cant wait to see the little person I love but have never met. How can I love someone I have never seen or met. I am excited to get to feel and see a glimpse of how God loves His children...all through my son.

Weird words... My son.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Been A While

Wow! Its been a while since I have blogged. Just got back from 2 weeks of camp. Worn out! But had an amazing time! We really got to see God work on some hearts. Im nervous but excited for the students to restart school. When their summer is over I feel like mine is over. I havent even began to start organizing for the fall. So READY for Jaxen to get here! We are getting his room ready but we still need some of the big stuff. We have 2 more showers to go I hate them being so close to the due date but it is what it is. From the words of my wife, " Put your big girl panties on and deal with it" So thats what I do.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Just got back yesterday from vacation. We have been really wanting to go on a big vacation again, especially before the baby gets here but it didnt happen. We went to see family. It was fun and relaxing. Nothing was planned. We just hung out with family and friends. I got to see my sister, brother n law and my nieces like 4 nights in a row. I miss them so much!! Melissa's mom and dad also got their results from their cancer scans...

Her mom, Cathy, is "technically" cancer/ tumor free. There are no cancer spots on her chest. She has to get some more scans in a few months. A huge blessing and answer to prayer!!!

Her dad, Jim, had 2 stage four cancers. His liver, colon, and lymph nodes were covered in cancer last year. June 2008 he was just hoping to see his last son graduate high school in 2009 and they told us if we wanted to make any plans for vacations, we shouldnt put it off.

The scans showed that his liver and lymph nodes are clear of cancer. There is a small spot in his colon. He is scheduled to have it removed in surgery next Thursday June 2. We are planning on going down to Springfield for a few days next week. Please pray for him and his recovery. He will be off work for a month. God has worked a miracle in his life. The fact that surgery is an option is amazing! God isnt done with her parents yet. He has big things in store and I am excited I get to be a part of it!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Crazy Week

It has been a crazy/ awesome week! This week is VBS at church and I'm the VBS director. I have been a part of a lot of vbs's but never in charge. It's a lot of work! But I have an amazing team to help me. Tonight is the last night. Our highest number was 74 kids on Wednesday. We have raised almost $300 dollars for a missionary. The theme is Boomerang Express. I have been on stage all week doing the motions for the songs. I look like a goober but I love it and all the songs get stuck in my head. One more night to go.....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Man's Best Friend

This is my shout out to my dog Toby. I feel like I betrayed him today. I just took him to get him neutered. He was so excited to go on a car ride this morning, He probably thought he was going to the park. He had no idea what was going to happen to him. He made it worse on me. I dropped him off and they gave him a shot. I never thought that I would be so attached to a dog. But now I am totally one of those people. Since we don't have kids(yet) those are our kids. We spoil them and treat them like people. So I'll post again later after his surgery and let you know if he hates me or not.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Little Boy

So most of you have probably already heard but we are having a boy! This is like last weeks news but oh well. Melissa has already spent the last 2 weekends going to garage sales. We can't decide on a name so here are our choices...


Which one do you like?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Great Weekend

It has been a crazy last few weeks. We have been remodeling the bathrooms at church. They are finally done! But this weekend was a lot of fun. Friday we got to hang out with the Berry family. It is so nice to finally have someone to just hang out with again. During college we had tons of friends but there are not a lot of people our age around here. We played some Wii Tennis and Bowling and tried out a new pizza place. Saturday I got Melissa to help me mop the gym floor to get ready for Easter then we went and picked out flowers and spent the afternoon and evening planting, mowing and putting down new mulch. I love spending time with my wife and seeing her excitement as we picked out flowers. Sunday was an amazing Easter. I went to my first sunrise service, it was cold and uber early but it was great! Its hard not being around family on holidays. Especially when you see other families all dressed up and sitting together and having big family get togethers. That is probably the hardest part about ministry. But we had lunch at Cracker Barrel and had an amazing nap!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I found this pic and thought it was hilarious! Not much has been going on lately. Melissa has not gotten morning sickness at all! Praise the Lord! I'm still working out every week but I need someone to go with me to motivate me! I get bored really easy. So that's my update this week. Does anyone even read this other than my wife?

Thursday, February 19, 2009


So I joined the YMCA and have been working out for the past 2 weeks. It's going good so far. I also joined the biggest loser contest at church and I won last week. I gotta make extra money some how for this baby on the way.

Also I am preaching this upcoming Sunday Morning. It will be my second Sunday morning preaching. I have preached about 10ish times in the past 2 years. But there is something about Sunday Mornings. Last time went really well so I'm nervous about this time that it goes just as well.

I recently found out that a friend from high school got engaged and she wants me to perform the wedding. I am very pumped! Mandy was my high school prom date. I married Melissa's prom date in 2007 and now I will be marrying my prom date. Small world!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Boys can Swim!

Man I havent blogged in forever! So much I could write about! Let me update you!

Found out I am going to be a dad! After almost a year of trying! My boys can swim

We find out on Thursday if there is more than one baby! I would love twins!

Went to an A Frikin Mazing concert last Sunday! Toby Mac, New Song, Hawk Nelson, The afters It was awesome! Had horrible seats! Waited in the snow for an our in line! But it was great!

I am going to get better about blogging! (I hope)