Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Baby Mama Drama

In Sunday School on Sunday I taught on David and Bathsheeba. Crazy story. The students were totally into it. You think the Bible is boring read that story. Talk about some drama! It's like a Soap Opera. WOW! Most of the students had heard about it but all of them were intense into it. I took a different view on it and spoke on the masks that David wore- He pretended to be a spiritual leader, a godly King, a good husband. All this time he had secrets and was covering up every sin he was committing. So I used a term I saw in the movie "Baby Mama." This guy told this girl you got Baby Mama Drama. David definitely had some Baby Mama Drama. He sleeps with a married woman, gets her pregnant, kills the husband and tries to hide it all. We then read Psalm 51. This was written by David right after Nathan confronted him about the murder and adultery. David poured his heart out in asking for forgiveness.

Psalm 51:1- Have mercy on me
Psalm 51:2: Wash away my sin
Psalm 51:7-Cleanse me
Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart.

As Christians we have a lot of cover up. We pretend to be perfect with no problems. Put on our happy face and go to church.

We need to be honest with God and honest with ourselves. We can never have the kind of relationship we should until we do.

Are you fake? What are you covering up in your life? What do you need to confront and get rid of?

You got Baby Mama Drama?


Anonymous said...

Love, love, love this post! Preach on!! I wish I was in ur youth! Adam has baby mama drama!! Ha ha anywho love the movie baby mama!! Woo woo