Thursday, October 1, 2009

Jaxen Kayne

So here are some pics of Jaxen. Born Sept. 17 at 6 pds 11 oz and 20 inches long. He is already 2 weeks old today! Time has flown! He has lost his umbilical cord, he is already using a pacifier, and he is getting bigger every day. I can't wait to see him every day after work. Family has been here for the past 2 weeks so we finally have the next few days for just the 3 of us. I do feel bad though... Toby and Molly have not had much attention lately. Hopefully they can come in tonight and play. Cant wait to see Jaxen play with them some day. But for now they just enjoy licking him in the face lol.


Baker Family said...

Brandon, Jaxen is adorable!! Your right, time does fly! Enjoy every moment you have with him. God has really blessed you two with such a sweet little boy. Take care.