Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Very Close Call...

So I am the only one in the office today,alone in the church. Our church is located right off the Highway that is connected to St. Louis, so we get a lot of homeless people and hitchhikers and they come to the church wanting rides or money, we have even found some sleeping in our church buses. Neways there were some teachers working up here earlier on their classrooms and they do not have keys to the church so when they left they didn't lock the door behind them. I should have went downstairs and locked it behind them. I am a very big stickler on always making sure that door is locked. I do not want to be killed! Richard, a deacon, came up to the church and found a man asleep in our foyer in the church. He was a homeless guy had been there for about 15 minutes, just "resting". Richard ran him off. I was upstairs without a clue! Scary!


Melissa said...

I owe Richard for saving your life!! How crazy!!

Anonymous said...

How scary I would of POOPED!!

Amanda said...

i am always scared too...working at a church! we have had some interesting things happen here! lol!

Mandi said...

Hey Brandon! Long time no see :0) It was good to hear from you and I'm glad you have joined the blogging community, it's a pretty cool place!! Hope you and Melissa are doing well! Wow, what a scary story, I would have been freaked out!!